In 2003, TMBG celebrated 20 years of Dial-a-Song with this metarrific garment.
The name of the band is surrounded by an exhaustive listing of every TMBG song ever recorded up to the printing of the shirt. The list has been printed in the shape of a t-shirt, effectively having it a double as a tribute to 20 years of TMBG shirts! This is the original, "ringer" version with white collar and sleeves.
Here's a better look at the list; click for an easier read. It's an impressive list to wear around but far from perfect; there are misspellings ("Dan vs. Kog", "Candystippers", "Why Does The Sunshine", "Yeh! Yeh!") , repetitions ("Swing Is A Word" and "Swing Is A Word Six Feet Down", "Bathymetry" and "Down To The Bottom of the Sea", "Be Kind And Gentle" and "Budnitz #1"), omissions ("Bed Bed Bed", "(She Was A) Hotel Detective") and even a few titles of songs that we've never heard of. ("Convergence", "I Wouldn't Be Mad" , "The Life of Ed")
A small graphic on the back pictures an old-fashioned looking telephone with only four buttons that read, what else? TMBG. It reads, "Dial-A-Song 718-387-6962" as well as the slogans, "Since 1983. Just a regular call to Brooklyn. Always busy. Often broken. Free when you call from work."

I also have a later shirt with a larger version of the t-shirt graphic, for slightly easier to read printing. Of course, Dial-a-Song is now extinct, but the shirt can still be enjoyed! Currently on the TMBG Merch Store is "Large Graphic Songs on Black", pictured above as well as "Small Graphic Songs on Black", which seems to be third version that's a cross between these two; it has the smaller graphic printed on a non-ringer shirt.
MP3 of the Week:
Snowball in Hell
Performed on 6/17/88 in Austin, TX. Listen for "you've got the needle out" in the opening, which was cut on the album.
Performed on 6/17/88 in Austin, TX. Listen for "you've got the needle out" in the opening, which was cut on the album.
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